You are invited to join us on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 11 am at Stoner Recreational Center as the Coalition to Preserve LA and several Community groups hold our very own Town Hall on over-development, traffic gridlock, and harm to our neighborhood character -- and what we can do about it.
Numerous oversized mega-developments that need profitable spot-zoning favors from City Hall have been proposed for LA's West Side. Hear from every day people trying to save their communities from these out of scale projects that create massive traffic jams and destroy the character of our neighborhoods. Residents will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences. It’s an important way to let your voices be heard and connect with others.
What: Share Your Experiences Fighting City Hall & Developers
Why: The Neighborhood Integrity Initiative Will Return Power to Communities
When: Saturday, December 3, 2016; 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Where: Stoner Recreational Center, 1835 Stoner Ave. Los Angeles
Please RSVP by email to or reply to this email. This is a FREE event.
Please note this event is hosted by Coalition to Preserve LA. The Neighborhood is sharing this information. Sharing the event is not an endorsement of the initiative or the organization.