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West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council Board of Directors Meeting

West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 7pm

Video Link: [NEW]
Meeting ID 886 3183 9397 (and press #)
Phone: (669) 900-6833 or (833) 548 0282, (888) 475 4499, (877) 853 5257, (833) 548 0276

Virtual meeting teleconferencing number for public participation: In conformity with the September 16, 2021 Enactment of California Assembly Bill 361 and due to concerns over COVID-19, the WLASNC meeting will be conducted entirely with a call-in option or internet-based service option.

Email public comments to Chair Jamie Keeton at


Board of Directors Meeting -- Agenda

Wed., April 27, 2022 -- 7:00 PM

Video Link: [NEW]

Meeting ID: 862 9012 1637 (and press #) [NEW]

Phone: (669) 900-6833 or (833) 548-0282, (888) 475-4499, (877) 853-5257, (833) 548 0276 

The toll-free feature eliminates long-distance call charges for participants.


Telephone: Stakeholders who wish to address the Neighborhood Council may dial (669) 900-6833, and enter 862-9012-1637 [NEW] (and press #) to join the meeting.

Press *9 to raise your hand to speak. Press *6 to unmute your phone.

Email public comments to Chair Jamie Keeton at    

Agenda and files posted: No paper documents are associated with this meeting.

Physical: WLANC office - 1645 S. Corinth Ave., West LA (glass door, west side by the ramp)

Website: (click on “Board of Directors”)

Google drive:


AB 361 updates:

  • Public comment cannot be required to be submitted in advance of the meeting, only real-time public comment is required.

  • If there are any broadcasting interruptions that prevent the public from observing or hering the meeting, the meeting must be recessed or adjourned.

  • If members of the public are unable to provide public comment or be heard due to issues within the N.C.’s control, the meeting must be recessed or adjourned.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by calling WLASNC Board Chair Jamie Keeton (ADA contact) at .

All items on the agenda are subject to discussion, possible action and filing of a Community Impact Statement to the Office of the City Clerk.

  1. Call to Order: Board is 15 members, 9 are required for quorum.

  2. Administrative: This is a regular meeting, not a special meeting, because it is held at its regularly scheduled time (per DONE’s virtual meeting requirements).

    1. Minutes: Mar. meeting - recording:

    1. MERS: Mar. (Monthly Expenditure Reports).

    2. Funding: Motions:

                                               i.     Allocate a maximum of $10,000 for 8 movies in the park.

1.    Dates: Jun. 24, Jul. 1, Jul. 8, Jul. 5, Jul. 22, Jul. 29, Aug. 5, Aug. 12.

2.    Recipient: Stoner Park.

3.    Tasks: Hire organization to set up, clean up, storage of equipment and buy snacks. Print banners and flyers.

                                             ii.     Allocate a maximum of $3,500 for local children to attend Stoner Park summer camp.

1.    Dates: Jun.-Aug. 2022.

2.    Recipient: Stoner Park.

3.    Tasks: Activities, T-shirts.

                                            iii.     Allocate a maximum of $4,000 for Stoner Park summer camp offsite trips for local children.

1.    Dates: Jun.-Aug. 2022.

2.    Recipient: Stoner Park.

3.    Tasks: Staff, transportation, registration fees.

                                            iv.     Allocate a maximum of $1,500 for Stoner Park summer camp merchandise (tote bag with water bottle, sunglasses, sunscreen, towel, hats, hand sanitizer). Include the NC logo.

1.    Dates: June-Aug. 2022.

2.    Recipient: Stoner Park.

3.    Tasks: Merchandise, printing.

                                             v.     Allocate a maximum of $500 for Stoner Park Easter event to purchase candy and supplies.

1.    Dates: Apr. 2022.

2.    Recipient: Stoner Park.

3.    Tasks: Candy, snacks.

    1. Neighborhood Purposes Grant: Allocate $5,000 to Pacific Graffiti Solutions for graffiti clean-up within 24 hours of reporting.

                                               i.     Dates: May 1, 2022, to May 1, 2023.

                                             ii.     Recipient: Pacific Graffiti Solutions.

                                            iii.     Tasks: Funds will help purchase an additional vehicle for service calls.

    1. Video license: Nominate additional Boardmembers ($200 fee).

    2. Film L.A.: Appoint liaison to receive notifications of film shoots.

                                               i.     Nomination: J.Ross.

    1. Stoner Park: Appoint liaison to the Stoner Park Advisory Board.

    2. Monthly profile: Cornerstone training (see Exhibit at end of Agenda).

    3. LAUSD use permit: NC can request Civic Center permit for neighbors to use schools’ open space.

                                               i.     Info:

  1. General Public Comment: Items not on the Agenda (1-minute minimum).

    1. Erin Darling, CD11 candidate -

    2. Mike Newhouse, CD11 candidate -

    3. Greg Good, CD11 candidate -

    4. Allison Holdorf Polhill, CD11 candidate -

    5. Soni Lloyd, CD11 candidate -

  2. Government/Agency/Community Partner updates:

    1. Mayor Eric Garcetti: West Area field deputy - Vivesh Anand. - (213) 320-8205.

    1. Council District #11-Mike Bonin: Planning Deputy - Jason Douglas, WLA Field Deputy - Gaby Markley. ,

    1. Supervisor District #3-Sheila Kuehl: Field Deputy - Zachary Gaidzek,

    1. State Assembly District #30-Sydney Kamlager: Field Representative - Josef Siroky,

    2. State Assembly District #54-Isaac Bryan: Field Representative - Michelle Persoff,

    3. U.S. House of Representatives-Ted Lieu: Representative - Janet Turner

    4. Police Dept.: Senior Lead Officer James Lavenson -

    5. Citizens Forestry Advisory Council (Urban Forestry): CD11 representative- Isabelle Duvivier.

    6. DWP: Deborah Hong - .

                                               i.     LA Equity 100 program (clean energy).

    1. Website for affordable units:

  1. Ex parte communications: J. Ross - conferred with Lara Regus, Abode Housing for scheduling (West LA Commons); Jesi Harris, Brian Silveira & Assoc., for scheduling (11835 Tennessee Pl. houses), Will Cipes, Carmel Partners, for scheduling (Bundy/ Expo/ Amherst apartments).

  2. Officer Reports:

    1. Chair.

    2. Vice Chair.

    3. Treasurer.

    4. Secretary.

  3. Committee Reports:

    1. Planning and Land Use Management (J. Ross, Chair).

                                               i.     West L.A. Commons (civic center re-development)

1.    Case #: ENV-2022-1357-EAF (submitted Mar. 1, 2022).

2.    Town Hall: Design charrette - May 11, 7:00 pm.

3.    Town Hall: Apr. 13 recording –

4.    Motion: Establish ad hoc committee for 6-12 months.

5.    Planner: Courtney Shum ( )

                                             ii.     Motions: 11835 Tennessee Pl. houses:

1.    Request that City purchase the entire triangle of 18,675 sf, and build a public park (3 houses / parcels).

a.    2300 S. Westgate Ave. (APN 4259-037-001).

b.    2306 S. Westgate Ave. (APN 4259-037-002).

c.     11835 W. Tennessee Pl. (APN 4259-037-003).

                                            iii.     Motion: Request that the City revise the Exposition Station Transit Neighborhood Plan as follows: Building breaks shall be clarified and defined per the same standards of the Westside Multifamily Q Conditions.           

1.    Buildings that exceed 150 ft. in length shall have a break that is at least 20 ft wide and landscaped as an amenity, continuous from the ground floor to the sky, and must extend back the entire building. Garage entrances shall not count as breaks.

                                            iv.     Motion: Request that Planning Dept. provide zoning capacity of the city, in order to review Community Plan and Housing Element proposals for upzoning.

1.    Justification: This information may be readily available because the City has completed and voted to approve its Housing Element, and it would need this information to approve a plan. Also, the Planning Dept. has spent two years studying demographics as part of the Westside Community Plans updates, and should have information available after two years (LUPC WRAC motion).

                                             v.     West L.A. Community Plan update:

1.    EIR Notice of Preparation will be released in the summer.

2.    A Community Plan Advisory Board will be formed with applications available in the Spring (35-40 members, including 1 PLUM member for each NC).

3.    Responses to conceptual land use suggestions will be in the Fall (based on last year’s community meetings).


    1. Homeless (J.Handal, Chair).

    2. Outreach:

                                               i.     Nominations for Chair.

                                             ii.     Website updates and posting of documents.

                                            iii.     Email newsletters.

    1. Budget Advocates (J.Handal, Chair): April report #7.

                                               i.     Website:

    1. DWP:

                                               i.     Updates;

1.    Construction staging equipment and noise from workers in the morning, and parking on neighborhood streets.

2.    EMF impacts from new high-power lines.

3.    Installation of new infrastructure (tall poles, high-power wires, generators/ transformers).

                                             ii.     Proposal to build new office building on Nebraska Ave.: Original proposal for 60-ft tall building to start CEQA review.

1.    Motion: Request for Board to submit previous Resolution with project concerns to Board of DWP Commissioners.

a.    Neighbor concerns with traffic, air pollution and noise in early morning on Nebraska Ave.

    1. Public Safety (R.Migdal, Chair).

    2. By-Laws:

                                               i.     Motion: Add 2 geographic resident seats to Board of Directors to better balance population and demographics.

    1. Environmental (J.Ross, Chair) - N.C. Sustainability Alliance (Phil Ganchev, representative).

                                               i.     Nomination of Monica Mejia as stakeholder member.

                                             ii.     Motion: Oppose CF 19-0603 - city proposal to expand City Fire District #1 (high fire hazard areas in urban centers that requires concrete construction).

                                            iii.     Motion: Oppose CF 21-0002-S106 - city proposal to oppose AB 1401 (allows cities to eliminate parking minimums with ½-mile of high-quality transit stations).

                                            iv.     Motion: Support for CF 22-0151 - city proposal to prohibit natural gas connections for new residential and commercial buildings, in order to reduce greenhouse emissions.

                                             v.     Motion: Support for CF 21-1463 - city proposals to study and develop strategies to reduce greenhouse emissions from existing residential and commercial buildings during retrofits.

  1. WRAC (Westside Regional Alliance of Councils):

    1. Homeless Committee (J.Handal, Chair) - Motion: Requests for consideration of CF 22-0158.

                                               i.     Information:

    1. Land Use and Planning Committee (J.Ross, representative).

    2. Transportation Committee (J.Ross, representative).

  1. General Public Comment: Items not on the Agenda (1-minute minimum).

  2. Member announcements.

  3. Adjournment.


THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT: As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and other auxiliary aids and/or services, may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting Jay Ross, Board Member, at (310) 979-9255 or email

PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS: In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at our website:,  or at the scheduled meeting.  If you want any record for an item on the agenda, contact Chair Jamie Keeton at .

NOTICE TO PAID REPRESENTATIVES: If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See LAMC 18.01 et seq. More information is available at . For assistance, contact the Ethics Commission at (213) 978-1960 or .

PUBLIC INPUT AT N.C. MEETINGS: The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during the General Public Comment period.   Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.

Any messaging or virtual background is in the control of the individual Boardmember in their personal capacity, and does not reflect any formal position of the N.C. or the City.

PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS: Agenda are posted for public review as follows:

•  Website: (see Committees tab).

•  Dropbox:

RECONSIDERATION AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS: For information on the WLASNC’s process for board action reconsideration, stakeholder grievance policy, or any other procedural matters related to this Council, please consult the Bylaws. The Bylaws are available at our Board meetings and website  

RECORDING MEETINGS: Meetings may be sound or video recorded.

SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION: Si require servicios de traduccion, avisar al Concejo Vecinal 3 dias de trabajo (72) horas) antes del evento. Por favor contacte a Chair Jamie Keeton a  para avisar al Concejo Vecinal.



#2-D. Monthly profile (Mar. 2022) - next page:


#2-D. Monthly profile (Mar. 2022):




#7-e: DWP Committee update (Deborah Hong, DWP)

As your West LA community liaison, I have consulted with several managers and subject matter experts at LADWP in relation to the topics noted in your email.

  1. Parking and Equipment Staging: While street parking in the area is public, employees are discouraged from parking on the street and parking is provided inside the station for all personnel. There have been occasions when external contractors have been hired to complete some projects, but they are also instructed to park inside the station. The site supervisor has been patrolling and monitoring this for compliance.

Recently there have been a few projects located outside the station such as the sidewalk replacement, installation of parkway trees, and stringing cable parallel to Centinela, for which, trucks and equipment needed to be staged outside to facilitate the completion of work. We make every effort to minimize disruption to the public and complete work as quickly and safely as possible.

The ivy that covered the chain link fence along Nebraska was removed because it made the gate inoperable. The chain link fence currently has privacy screening, which is a standard material. We have re-located as much construction materials as we can to the south side of the station to reduce the level of activity at the north side along Nebraska. We will explore adding sound blankets and other sound mitigation measures.

  1. EMFs: Conducting EMF measurements in the public right of way captures real time EMF levels resulting from nearby sources. EMF levels are known to dissipate with distance and may fluctuate. It is important to note that So Cal Edison has a power line that runs the length of Nebraska Ave and we cannot isolate EMF levels that may be emitted from that source, or from LADWP equipment alone. We recommend that customers contact the EMF Inquiry Line at (213) 842-0221 and request an individual reading at their home to get a better understanding of EMF levels that are applicable to their location.

  1. Monopole Locations: The physical footprint of RS-K is small and adding upgraded equipment has been a challenge. Monopoles are connected to transformers and the locations were carefully selected to meet safety and clearance requirements. Unfortunately, the monopole at the NE corner of Nebraska and Centinela cannot be relocated due to its connection to a transformer. In addition, more monopoles will be added to the south side of the station.

We understand that this facility is near homes and that the residents have questions. As we mentioned before, RS-K is a critical facility that distributes power imported from renewable energy sources to the City of Los Angeles. Operations are complex and essential to maintaining power and reliability. We value the community’s input and continue to encourage open dialog and communications.

April 26

WLASNC By-Laws Committee Meeting

May 11

West LA Commons: Community Design Workshop