West LA Commons: Public Scoping Meeting
Tuesday, June 14th, 2022 from 6-8pm
From the Office Sheila Kuehl —
“Our office wanted to inform you about the posting of the West LA Commons project Notice of Preparation and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting as the beginning of the EIR (a link to the Initial Study of the Environmental Impact Report can be found within the site).
The Public Scoping meeting was initially scheduled to be held virtually on June 7th from 6-8pm. However, given that this is the date of the primary election in LA County and to ensure as many stakeholders as possible can attend live, we have asked that the date be moved to June 14 from 6-8pm. Please make sure to mark your calendars.”
West LA Commons Project No. PRJ2022-000303 / Environmental Plan No. RPPL2022000742
Case Downloads
Notice of Preparation and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting (PDF)
When: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 06:00-8:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
(Please note revised meeting date)
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For questions and comments, please email Jolee Hui at jhui@planning.lacounty.go