Join Our Clean Streets LA Challenge - Nora Sterry Elementary School This Sat, Nov 4
The Clean Streets LA Challenge is back! Come join us as we beautify our community.
- SAT, NOV 4, 8:30 am to 12 Noon - CLEAN UP AND GARDEN PLANTING - Nora Sterry Elementary School, 1730 Corinth Ave. Refreshments provided.
- SUN, NOV 5, 9 am to 2 pm - TREE ADOPTION, WLA Farmers Market (Purdue/Santa Monica Blvd.). L.A. Conservation Corps will give away 100 trees. There will be free mulch and compost from L.A. Sanitation.
- SAT, NOV 18, 8 am to 12 Noon - CLEAN UP - Uni High School, meet in parking lot at Barrington/Texas Avenues. Refreshments provided.
- Become a block captain and help update the City's clean stats for our community.
- Use the MyLA311 app and report--graffiti, broken sidewalks, potholes and illegal dumping, among other things.
- Join a tree team to help plant street trees along Sawtelle, Santa Monica Blvd., and other sites.
- Help adopt-a-median to maintain and beautify the medians near Gateway/Pico Blvds. and Bundy Drive/Santa Monica Blvd.
- Join a team to keep our storm drains clean and clear.
- Get involved in the campus community gardens at Uni High School and at Nora Sterry Elementary School.
Please e-mail your participation to: RMKATO@WLANC.COM
Council District 11
L.A. Conservation Corps - Clean & Green
Nora Sterry Elementary School - Principal Dr. Sara Lasnover
Nora Sterry Parents Booster Club
University High School - Principal David Erickson and Vice Principal Oscar Lopez
Terasaki Foundation
City Agencies
Office of Community Beautification
L.A. Sanitation
L.A. Stormwater Public Education Program
City Plants
Local Business Support Provided By:
Orchard Supply & Hardware
QuickDraw! - Custom Screen Printing and Embroidery
Bagelworks Cafe
Copy Depot & Printing
Helados La Michoacana
Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf - 11913 W. Olympic Blvd. (near Bundy)
Starbucks Coffee - 11155 Santa Monica Blvd. (near Pontius)
Business Support Provided by:
E-Z Up, Inc.
Additional Business Support Provided By:
Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery
Armstrong Garden Centers
Hashimoto Nursery
Volunteer Appreciation Promotions
Tempura House, 1816 Sawtelle - 5% discount
Bar Hayama, 1803 Sawtelle - 5% discount
Touch Vinyl, 1646 Sawtelle - 15% discount
Helados La Michoachana, 11813 Santa Monica Blvd. - Owner will determine.
Armstrong Garden Centers, 3226 Wilshire Blvd. - 15% discount
Bagelworks Cafe, 12222 Wilshire Blvd. - 15% off one single purchase
Blackbeard's Craft, 1820 Sawtelle Blvd. - 10% discount
Yamaguchi Bonsai Nursery, 1905 Sawtelle Blvd. - * Small plant giveaway at Nora Sterry clean-up for volunteers to take home.