Crime Briefing This Week with SLO Lavenson
2500 Sawtelle Bl. 10-7-17 6:00 P.M & 10-29-17 3:20 P.M Suspect(s) forced a security screen from the adjacent vacant storage unit and gained entry. The suspect removed property and fled the location via (POE), point of entry with the victim’s property.
1500 Amherst Ave. 10-23-17 11:00 P.M & 10-24-17 9:00 A.M Suspect(s) smashed the victim’s front passenger window with an unknown object, and gained entry. The suspect ransacked the vehicle and fled the location without any of the victim’s property.
11500 Nebraska Ave. 10-24-17 9:00 P.M & 10-25-17 6:10 A.M Suspect(s) entered the victim’s vehicle by unknown means and removed property.
1500 Wellesley Ave. 10-14-17 Noon & 10-26-17 9:15 A.M Suspect(s) removed property from the victim’s unlocked vehicle.
Bundy Dr. & Olympic Bl. 10-26-17 2:15 P.M & 2:30 P.M Suspect(s) entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle, removed property and fled the location.
Santa Monica Bl. & Purdue Ave. 10-26-17 5:45 P.M & 7:30 P.M Suspect(s) smashed the victim’s vehicle window and gained entry. The suspect removed property and fled the location.
11800 Texas Ave. 10-27-17 8:30 P.M & 10-28-17 9:50 A.M Suspect(s) entered the underground parking structure and used an unknown type tool to remove the victim’s four wheels and rims. The suspect fled the location with the victim’s property.
Federal Ave. & Santa Monica Bl. 10-26-17 7:00 P.M & 10:00 P.M
Suspect(s) used an unknown object to smash the victim’s vehicle window. The suspect gained entry and removed the victim’s property.