This Wednesday Lumen Project (Trident Center-Manatt Building - 11355 W. Olympic Blvd) Presentation and Discussion at PLUM
Trident Center-Manatt Building - 11355 W. Olympic Blvd
Lumen project (Trident Center-Manatt Building - 11355 W. Olympic Blvd.):
Renovation of 2 existing office towers and expansion of 3-story 100,000-sf retail/office addition in front open space area along Olympic Blvd.
Discussion of land use and design options.
Community status: Open house on Oct. 17.
City status: Draft EIR in process. 2/21/17 Comments were due after scoping meeting. ENV-2016-1463-EIR.
NC status: Presentation to PLUM on 8/30/2017.
Plans posted: (TBD)
Representative: Sugerman Communications - Malina Brown.
Owner: McCarthy Group.