From LAPD SLO Lavenson: Encampment Location Requests, Areas Business Watch, Neighborhood Watch
Yes I am back from my vacation, yes I missed all of you. Apparently our homeless groups also got the memo that I would be out of the area. This week I have been met with a plethora of issues, a high percentage dealing with new and improved homeless encampments. Good news we conducted a Task Force yesterday and made numerous arrests. We also cleaned up some illegal encampments, I noticed an influx of new faces that have decided to reside on the streets of WLA. I will be out shortly after 0600 this morning enforcing our tent and sleeping laws. I will also be in the Southern portion along Pico, Ayres, and Centinela etc., as I have received numerous emails.
Please let me know if there are any areas that I need to focus on. I'm hoping to keep the enforcement aspect going strong and hopefully we can get a handle on this in the first quarter of 2018. I will send out a crime briefing next week after I get a chance to look at the crime statistics for this last quarter. I have several lofty goals for 2018 and don't see why these cannot be achieved. We have made great progress over the past six months, however much work is still needed. I hope to have the Bundy Triangle cleaned and opened shortly, with the help of Len, Jay, Greg, Jaime, WLASNC and many others. We have plans for the park that will benefit the community.
Let me know if you have any good ideas for the community, want to start a Neighborhood or Business watch. Have a safe New Years!
SLO Jimmy
James W Lavenson
Police Officer III
West Los Angeles Area
SLO 53
Office (310) 444-0742