WLA Sawtelle Asphalt Repair September 8th - Nominate a Location!
The Bureau of Street Services has scheduled a Small Asphalt Repair (SAR) truck for the WLA Sawtelle area on September 8 for small asphalt repairs.
· Only 15 addresses will be nominated and inspected per neighborhood council.
· Street Services will address as many locations as possible with the resources allocated for the program (1 pothole truck).
· If locations submitted do not qualify for the program, you will be informed of the reason.
· BSS may be able to complete a slightly larger project in the neighborhood, this will be determined at the time of inspection.
- Wilshire Boulevard to the North,
- The 10 freeway to the South,
- The 405 freeway to the East, and
- The City of Santa Monica/Centinela Avenue to the West.
The boundaries do not include any and all federal Veterans’ Administration property. Click here for a map.
Select high visibility locations:
· Parks, schools, churches, places where people congregate
· Crosswalks
· Intersections
· High volume alleys
If you nominated a location that was not repaired last time, go ahead and nominate it again. Hopefully, it will make the list this time.
Please forward nominations to Rosie Kato at RMKATO@WLANC.COM by September 1, 2017.
If you'd like, use the form attached HERE