Westside Senior Health and Wellness Fair - Save the Date - Sept 16th 11-3pm
Saturday Sept 16th the Westside Senior Health and Wellness Fair sponsored by LA City Councilmember Mike Bonin with the support from the WLA/Sawtelle NC, Mar Vista CC Aging in Place Committee, Del Rey NC Outreach Committee and LA County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl.
From the City, the City Attorney's office and the Department of Aging and from the County, the Department of Mental Health Services will be present.
The non-profit organizations participating are: Marina Del Rey Cedar Sinai Hospital, Venice Family Clinic, Jewish Family Services, MindLA, Red Cross, Didi Hirsch, Alzheimer's Greater Los Angeles, Affordable Living for the Aging, Wise and Healthy Aging, Stop Senior Scams, OPICA, Heels and Soul Square Dance Group, Westside Center for Independent Living, Westside Pacific Villages and the MOA Wellness Center.