Fate of Westside Open Space Hearing Oct. 2
ACTION ALERT: Attend Upcoming Open Space Meeting
October 2 from 6-8pm in Westwood, City Hall is holding its First Conversation on the Open Space Element of the General Plan
Don't Miss It
Los Angeles City Planning has been steeped in secrecy since February, hammering out the first “Open Space” Element of the city's General Plan since the Vietnam War— in closed meetings, and, wrongly, by invitation-only.
We urge you to attend the first City Planning public "Conversation" if you care about AIR, LIGHT and BREATHING SPACE.
Mon. Oct. 2, 6 to 8 pm / Westwood Presbyterian Church 10822 Wilshire Blvd.
Few Westsiders even know this meeting is being held. But YOU got this alert. That puts YOU in the minority. Get friends to attend, and create a majority.
California State Guidelines say a city's General Plan "should start with a shared community vision that will help set priorities throughout the planning process."
But that has not happened in L.A. throughout 2017. Go and be heard!
All upcoming meetings
DATES AND LOCATIONS - attend and invite your allies!
Westside: Monday, October 2 - 6 to 8 pm
Location: Westwood Presbyterian Church, 10822 Wilshire Blvd.
Valley: Saturday, October 7 - 10am to noon
Location: Van Nuys Civic Center, Community Rms 1A & 1B, 14410 Sylvan St.
South LA: Saturday, October 21 - 10am to noon
Location: West Angeles Senior Villas, Community Room, 6030 Crenshaw Blvd.
Hollywood: Wednesday, October 25 - 6 to 8pm
Location: Emerson College, Assembly Room, 5960 Sunset Blvd.
NOTE: Eastside and the Harbor Area are NOT BEING GIVEN an Open Space Conversation meeting!