Mike Bonin Neighborhoods First Newsletter June 2018
June 2018
Welcome to the June issue of Mike Bonin’s Neighborhoods First Newsletter!
IN THIS ISSUE: Mike meets with neighbors in living rooms, at church festivals, at neighborhood associations and a lot more... the Council approves a neighborhood-friendly City budget that hires more firefighters, puts more cops on patrol, protects our urban forest, and provides a new ambulance for Mar Vista and a new helicopter for fighting brush fires… more streets get paved and more intersections get safety improvements… much-needed affordable housing is approved for neighborhoods near the Expo Line… Mike wins an expansion of Metro bike share for Westside neighborhoods… and Mike and the Mayor propose sites in CD11 for the mayor's emergency "A Bridge Home" program to address homelessness and provide alternatives to sidewalk encampments. But first, a profile of a resident working passionately to make our neighborhoods greener.