The WLA/Sawtelle NC Homeless Committee Meeting Tuesday 1/15/19 7:00 pm Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Senior Center
The WLA/Sawtelle NC Homeless Committee Meeting Tuesday 1/15/19 7:00 pm Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Senior Center
AGENDA ITEMS (Same as the attached PDF):
I. Call to Order
II. Community Partner Reports (if any)
III. General Public Comment
IV. Discussion and possible motion to appoint Homeless Committee Co-Chair
V. Discussion and possible motion to request CM Mike Bonin to fund a homeless outreach worker for West Los Angeles
VI. Discussion and possible motion to support LA City SPA 5 Homeless Youth Count
VII. Discussion and possible motion to create an easy way for residents to donate goods/services/resources to local homeless population
VIII. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda
IX. Committee Member Announcements
X. Adjournment
Homeless Committee Members: Naomi Kageyama (, Jay Handal (, Dylan Wright (, John Williams, Mollie Rudnick and Korie Schmidt.