Special WLASNC Board Meeting Wed Aug 28th at Felicia Mahood
Call to Order (1 minute)
Community Partner Reports (10 minutes)
General Public Comment (6 minutes)
Approvals (5 minutes)
Outstanding draft meeting minutes (Secretary)
Outstanding MERs reports (Treasurer)
Approval of up to $500 for tablets to aid in surveys related to updated Community Plan
Approval of new committee members/committee chairs for all committees (5 minutes)
Presentation and request for NPG of up to $2,500 by Read to a Child
VII.Consideration and possible appointment of organizational seat (10 minutes)VIII. Officer Reports (8 minutes)
DWP Committee report
Sustainability Report (P. Ganchev)
Outreach Report (5 minutes)
Motion to approve Nancy as a committee member
Motion to approve up to $3,000 to create WLASNC promotional items
Motion to approve up to $50 per General Board Meeting for Refreshments
XII.PLUM report (25 minutes)
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: Letter to community organizations to solicit community benefits
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: Elevate Project at Santa Monica/Granville
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: 11857 Santa Monica Boulevard Apartments
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: 11600 Santa Monica Boulevard Apartments
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: 1733-37 Westgate / 1743 Westgate Ave.
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: Truck staging enforcement
g. Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: Posting of building permits
West LA Community Plan Update (5 minutes)
Bylaws Committee Report (5 minutes)
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Ex Parte Communications
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Order of Motions on the Agenda
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Motion Submittal During Meeting
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Four Year Terms
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Nomination of Officers
XV.Formation of a Beatification Committee
Discussion and possible motion re: requesting the City to expand protections under RSO
Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda (5 minutes)
Board Comment and Announcements (5 minutes)
Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 7:00 PM
Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Senior Center