WLASNC General Board Meeting Wed September 25, 7pm Mahood Center
Wednesday, September 25, 2019, 7:00 PM
Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Senior Center
11338 Santa Monica Boulevard – Community Room – Los Angeles, CA 90025Please Use the Entrance on Corinth Avenue
Call to Order (1 minute)
Community Partner Reports (10 minutes)
General Public Comment (6 minutes)
Approvals (5 minutes)
Outstanding draft meeting minutes (Secretary)
Outstanding MERs reports (Treasurer)
Amend 2019-2020 budget to include rollover of $816.00
Categorical changes to 2019-2020 budget including moving NPG budget into outreach and additional increase to
Outreach by $816
Motion to approve credit card holders and signers
Motion to approve up to $5,000.00 for a joint emergency preparedness and public safety/health fair day
Approval of new committee members/committee chairs for all committees (5 minutes)
Discussion and Motion to Approve West LA community plan draft survey (20 minutes)
Consideration and possible appointment of organizational seat (10 minutes)
Motion to approve getting all documents up on the website prior to Board / Committee meetings – specifically
getting development plans up on our website as soon as possible since they keep appearing on Curbed, etc before
our stakeholders see them.
Officer Reports (8 minutes)
Homeless Committee Report
Motion to approve Jay Handal as Chair, Mollie Rudnick as Vice Chair
Motion to approve Sandra Trutt to the committee
Motion to write a letter to City Attorney, City Council, Captain Goddard requesting strict enforcement of the
homeless injunctions for our stakeholders including tent hours, amount of personal belongings, and asking that each
basic car after roll call i the morning go to each of our districts hot spots and enforce.
Motion to ask for a joint sheriff and LAPD meeting regarding enforcement of the state building at the civic center
Motion to allocate up to 500.00 for design and printing of a homeless information pamphlet
Motion to request the chair to formally request Council Member Bonin to come to our board meeting and explain
why he will not authorize funding for a dedicated St. Josephs outreach team for our district.
Outreach Report (5 minutes)
Motion to require Board members to contact and coordinate with Outreach for use of Outreach made
materials, i.e., pins, cups, t-shirts, etc.
Motion to request that parks and rec do a monthly cleaning at the Civic Center
Motion to approve Outreach Promotional Items
Motion to approve September Outreach minutes
Motion to add Kent Kaisaki and Matt Vescovo to the Outreach Committee
PLUM report (25 minutes)
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: Letter to community organizations to solicit community benefits
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: Elevate Project at Santa Monica/Granville
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: 2465 S. Barrington Ave. apartments
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: 1721 S. Colby Ave. apartments
Motion to approve PLUM resolution re: 2415 S. Barrington Avenue Apartments
West LA Community Plan Update (5 minutes)
Bylaws Committee Report (5 minutes)
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Ex Parte Communications
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Order of Motions on the Agenda
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Motion Submittal During Meeting
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Four Year Terms
Motion to approve Bylaws resolution re: Nomination of Officers
Discussion and possible motion re: requesting the City to expand protections under RSO
Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda (5 minutes)
Board Comment and Announcements (5 minutes)