Holiday Inn at 11250 Santa Monica Blvd Seeks CUB alcohol service - For Discussion at PLUM Meeting October 15th
Proposed CUB alcohol service - Holiday Inn Express hotel (11250 Santa Monica Blvd.)
The West L.A. Sawtelle NC’s “Planning and Land Use Management” Committee will meet on Tue., Oct. 15, at 7:15 p.m. to consider this project. The meeting will be at the Felicia Mahood Senior Center (11338 Santa Monica Blvd. & Corinth).
The proposal is for a CUB for alcohol service for 24 hours per day in a hotel with a small market, food area and roof deck.
Plans: - look for “Holiday Inn CUB - Santa Monica11250” in the OCTOBER folder.
The West L.A. Sawtelle NC’s “Planning and Land Use Management” Committee will meet on Tue., Oct. 15, at 7:15 p.m. to consider this project. The meeting will be at the Felicia Mahood Senior Center (11338 Santa Monica Blvd. & Corinth).
You are welcome to attend and we seek your opinion.
The West LA Sawtelle NC is the official voice of the stakeholders in our neighborhood to CD11 Councilman Mike Bonin.
You can also submit comments directly to the Planning Dept.: Qiuana Williams at (213) 978-1912 or .
Jay Ross is Chair of PLUM Committee - (310) 979-9255 . Jamie Keeton is Chair of the Board of Directors - . More information: