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City Planning Commission public hearing

  • Van Nuys City Hall Council Chamber 14410 Sylvan Street Los Angeles, CA 91401 (map)

All interested persons are invited to attend the final City Planning Commission public hearing at which you may listen, ask questions, or present testimony regarding the project.

Hearing By: City Planning Commission

Date: Thursday, November 17, 2016 

Time:  After 8:30 AM 


Place: Van Nuys City Hall Council Chambers, 

2nd Floor 14410 Sylvan Street

Los Angeles, CA 91401


Case No.: CPC-2015-2662-VZC-ZAD-CDOSPR

CEQA No.: ENV-2013-3747-EIR SCH No. 2014031014 


Incidental Cases:   VTT-73387-1A; CPC-2016-3257-DA

Project Name: Landmark Apartments Project

Council No.:  11, Honorable Mike Bonin


Staff Contact: Alejandro Huerta

Phone No.:  (213) 978-1454 



Plan Area: West Los Angeles

Specific Plan: West LA TIMP

Certified NC:  West Los Angeles

Existing GPLU:   General Commercial

Existing Zone: [Q]C2-2-CDO

Proposed Zone:  (T)(Q)C2-2-CDO

Applicant: Douglas Emmett Management, LLC

Representative: Jonathan Lonner Burns & Bouchard, Inc. 


PROJECT LOCATION: 11750-11770 Wilshire Boulevard


PROJECT PROPOSED: The project, as approved by the Advisory Agency on October 21, 2016, proposes new construction of a 34-story residential building with 376 multi-family dwelling units, including market rate and affordable units, and an approximately 40,544 square-foot publicly accessible open space area on a 2.8-acre site. The existing 42,900 square-foot single-story supermarket building will be demolished to accommodate the new residential building and the existing 364,791 square-foot, 17-story office building will remain.



The City Planning Commission will consider: 

Appeal of the Deputy Advisory Agency’s approval of Vesting Tentative Tract No. 73387, including: 

1. Pursuant to Section 21082.1(c) of the California Public Resources Code, certification of the Environmental Impact Report, findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations and accompanying mitigation measures and Mitigation Monitoring Program for ENV-2013-3747-EIR, SCH No. 2014031014

2. Pursuant to Section 17.03 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 73387, located at 11750-11770 Wilshire Boulevard, consisting of one master ground lot and four airspace lots for the development of for the construction of a 34-story residential building consisting of: a by-right (no on- or off-menu incentives) 20% Density Bonus to provide an additional 63 units in lieu of the 313 base units, for a total of 376 multi-family residential dwelling units, with 5 percent of the permitted base density (16 units) set aside for Very Low Income Households, and an approximately 40,544 square-foot, privately maintained, publicly accessible open space area, as shown on map stamp-dated September 23, 2016, in the West Los Angeles Community Plan.


APPLICANT: Douglas Emmett Management, LLC


APPELLANT: Golden State Environmental Justice Alliance



1. Pursuant to Section 21082.1(c) of the California Public Resources Code, review and consider the adequacy of the previously certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR), ENV-2013-3747-EIR, SCH No. 2014031014, including the Environmental Findings, Project Design Features, Mitigation Monitoring Program, and Statement of Overriding Considerations. 

2. Pursuant to LAMC Sections 12.32-F and 12.32-Q, a Vesting Zone District Change from [Q]C2-2-O to (T)(Q)C2-2-CDO; 

3. Pursuant to LAMC Section 12.24-Y, Special Permission for the Reduction of Off-Street Parking to allow a 10 percent parking reduction for an existing commercial building located within 1,500 feet of a transit facility; 

4. Pursuant to LAMC Section 13.08, a Design Overlay Plan Approval with respect to the West Wilshire Boulevard Community Design Overlay District; and 5. Pursuant to LAMC Section 16.05-C,1(B), Site Plan Review for a project resulting in a net increase of 50 or more residential units. 


EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES: If you challenge a City action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence on these matters delivered to the Department before the action on this matter will become a part of the administrative record. Note: This may not be the last hearing on this matter. 


ADVICE TO PUBLIC: The exact time this case will be considered during the meeting is uncertain since there may be several other items on the agenda. Written communications may be mailed to the Los Angeles City Planning Department, Commission Office, 200 N. Spring Street, Room 532, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (attention: James K. Williams, 


REVIEW OF FILE: VTT-73387, CPC-2015-2662-VZC-ZAD-CDO-SPR and CPC-2016-3257-DA, including the application, environmental assessment, and appeals (VTT-73387-1A), are available for public inspection at this location between the hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call Alejandro Huerta at (213) 978-1454 ( several days in advance to assure that the files will be available. The files are not available for review the day of the hearing. 


ACCOMMODATIONS: As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The hearing facility and its parking are wheelchair accessible. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request.



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